Vladimir Panteleev via Digitalmars-d-learn píše v So 10. 01. 2015 v
07:42 +0000:
> On Saturday, 10 January 2015 at 02:10:04 UTC, Jesse Phillips 
> wrote:
> > On Friday, 9 January 2015 at 13:50:29 UTC, eles wrote:
> >> https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/44278/debunking-stroustrups-debunking-of-the-myth-c-is-for-large-complicated-pro
> >
> > Link to answer in D:
> > http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/44417/13362
> I think byLine is not necessary. By default . will not match line 
> breaks.
> One statement solution:
> import std.net.curl, std.stdio;
> import std.algorithm, std.regex;
> void main() {
>       get("http://www.stroustrup.com/C++.html";)
>           .matchAll(`<a.*?href="(.*)"`)
>           .map!(m => m[1])
>           .each!writeln();
> }
> Requires Phobos PR#2024 ;)
Oh here is it, I was looking for each. I think it is allready in a
phobos but I can not find. Now I know why :D

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