On Tuesday, 13 January 2015 at 09:22:04 UTC, Colin wrote:
Have the following directory structure?

~/testModule$ find . -print
./net/http_.d    # **

** I put the _ here to make it seperate from the net/http
directory. Probably, a better solution exists, this was hacked together quickly :)

In http_.d have:
module net.http_;  // again, a better solution surely exists
public import net.http.Mod1;
public import net.http.Mod2;

Then in your main have
import net.http_;

You can then use whatever's in Mod1 and Mod2 modules.
In your case, Mod1/Mod2 will be like
HTTPConnectionRequest/HTTPConnectionResponse and will only
contain a single class. This works for me.

You can also go a little further and have renamed imports.
Something like:
public import Renamed = net.http.Mod2;

Then in main.d call it with:
Renamed.Mod2 mod2 = new renamed.Mod2;

Feels just like Java :)

Ah, I just re-read your OP. Your already at this point :)

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