On Wednesday, 14 January 2015 at 01:16:54 UTC, Bauss wrote:
Is it possible to access a pointer by its offsets.
Ex. write a 32bit integer to a byte pointer at ex. offset 4.

To give an example in C# you can do this:
fixed (byte* Packet = Buffer) // Buffer would be a byte array

And then to set the value of a specific offset
*((TYPE*)(Packet + OFFSET))

Where TYPE could be replaced by ex. uint and OFFSET by 4

I tried to look here:

But couldn't seem to find anything like it.

Can't seem to edit OP so at:
*((TYPE*)(Packet + OFFSET))

It should be:
*((TYPE*)(Packet + OFFSET)) = VALUE;

VALUE has to be of the same type as TYPE of course.

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