On 16/01/2015 1:37 a.m., anonymous wrote:
On Thursday, 15 January 2015 at 12:10:09 UTC, Rikki Cattermole wrote:
On 16/01/2015 12:16 a.m., anonymous wrote:
what's the right syntax for building a JSON tree ? I try to do like in
an AA but the program throw because the Key doesn't exist:

import std.stdio, std.json;

void main(string[] args)
    struct Foo{
        string a,  b;
        void writeToJson(ref JSONValue target) {
            target["a"] = JSONValue(a);
            target["b"] = JSONValue(b);

    JSONValue root = parseJSON("{}");
    root["items"] = JSONValue([""]);

    Foo*[] foos;
    foos ~= new Foo("a1","b1");
    foos ~= new Foo("a2","b2");

    foreach(foo; foos) {
        root["items"].array.length += 1;
        root["items"].array[$-1] = parseJSON("{}");

import std.stdio, std.json;

void main(string[] args)
    struct Foo{
        string a,  b;
        void writeToJson(ref JSONValue target) {
            target["a"] = JSONValue(a);
            target["b"] = JSONValue(b);

    JSONValue root = ["items": cast(string[])[]];

    Foo[] foos;
    foos ~= Foo("a1","b1");
    foos ~= Foo("a2","b2");

    foreach(foo; foos) {
        root["items"].array ~= JSONValue(foo.a);
        root["items"].array ~= JSONValue(foo.b);


I would recommend keeping away from std.json. Its an old piece of
code, that needs to be replaced.
Vibe.d has a much nicer implementation that is really decent. I would
recommend that, if you are up to using the build manager dub.

Thx, but actually I initially liked to get an array of object with each

currently it produces:


while it'd be more desirable to have

{"items":[{"a":"a1","b":"b1"}, {"a":"a2","b":"b2"}]}

because the reader will test the presence of each the key "a" and "b" in
each element of "items".

Would it be a complete non-sense to assign an element with
opIndexAssign(), just like I wrote initially ? I know this is wrong but
the syntax seemed natural and logic.
Reading from std.json is straightforward but writing looks a bit messy.

It makes sense to do it. But like I said std.json is rubbish.
Just so you can see why I'm saying vibe.d's json implementation is better[0].

[0] https://github.com/rejectedsoftware/vibe.d/blob/master/source/vibe/data/json.d#L1670

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