On Saturday, 17 January 2015 at 21:00:34 UTC, Mike wrote:
Hey, all.

I have just started using D and I'm really loving it, but I have
been caught on a problem.
I am trying to share my Client class to a new thread, and after a
bit of struggling: I finally got the code to compile!

Now I am having a new problem: the moment I call
"client.receive(buf)" I get an error:
D:\D\dmd2\src\phobos\std\concurrency.d(13,13): Error: static
assert  (false || false) is false (StompBroker)

I assume it has something to do with the way I am handling the
shared keyword along with pointers, but I cannot for the life of
me figure this out!

Any help is appreciated. Thank you!

Code: https://github.com/mvlipka/StompBroker

I don't get what `auto message = client.receive(buf);` is supposed to call exactly.

If you mean to call std.concurrency.receive [1], it's way off. That's what the error message complains about.

If you mean to call a method of Client, well it doesn't have a `receive` method.

Also, you have too many asterisks (*). Classes already have reference semantics in D. There's no need for `Socket*` or `Client`. Just use `Socket` and `Client`.

[1] http://dlang.org/phobos/std_concurrency#.receive

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