I've done this by declaring a static array of the same length as ViewColor!V.channels, and foreach-ing over the channels in a colour, but this seem uglier than it need to - it would be nice if I could just define + and = appropriately on double[] and colours to do the right thing.

On Sunday, 18 January 2015 at 21:10:05 UTC, Phil wrote:
Hi, I'm new to D and having a go at writing some image processing stuff using Vladimir's ae.graphics library.

To filter (i.e. perform correlations/convolutions) on a view with colour type C, I'd like to perform intermediate calculations using a colour with the same number of channels as C, but all of type double, and then to convert back to something of type C at the end.

e.g. for a horizontal blur I'd like to keep a running total per channel, packaged in an all-doubles colour type, and then write (total / kernel width) for each channel back into a value of type C.

How do I perform the necessary type magic here? Thanks

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