On Thursday, 22 January 2015 at 12:45:53 UTC, drug wrote:
On 22.01.2015 15:30, bearophile wrote:

Also can I avoid "dummy" non-default ctor for Bar?

One solution:

struct Foo {
    int foo;

    @disable this();

    this(int foo_) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
        this.foo = foo_;

struct Bar {
    enum arraySize = 3;

    Foo[arraySize] foo = Foo(1);

void main() @safe {
    import std.stdio;

    Bar bar;


Yes, that's what the doctor prescribed. Thank you!

Or you can use block assignment in the constructor.

struct Bar
    enum ArraySize = 3;

    Foo[ArraySize] foo;

this(string dummy) // <== here because compiler demands to initialize field foo
        import std.algorithm: fill;

        //fill(foo[], Foo(0));
        foo[] = Foo(0);   // <== OK

Compiler can recognize the block assignment as a construction for the field Bar.foo.

Kenji Hara

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