
I don't really understand how I'd differentiate a constructor template from a class/struct template.

One solution is to use a template struct (struct/class names start with an upper case in D, while typed enum members usually start with a lower case):

enum E { option1, option2 }

struct Boring(E Opt = E.option1) {
    this(int arg1, int arg2) {}

void main() {
    auto a = Boring!(E.option2)(1, 2);

If you want to instantiate the constructor template without type inference, then this seems to work, but it's not idiomatic D:

enum E { option1, option2 }

struct Boring {
    this(E Opt = E.option1)(int arg1, int arg2) {}

void main() {
    auto a = Boring().__ctor!(E.option2)(1, 2);


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