Here I have templated struct that matches type with CborConfig tempate specialization

CborConfig will have more parameters in future and all of them will be accessed via alias members, so I've used variadic (T...) parameter whule matching.

template CborConfig(_nonSerializedAttribute)
        struct CborConfig
                alias nonSerializedAttribute = _nonSerializedAttribute;

/// Default non-serialized attribute type
struct NonSerialized{}

/// This CborConfig instantiation will be used by default.
alias defaultCborConfig = CborConfig!(NonSerialized, NonSerialized);

struct AccepterT(Config : CborConfig!(T) = defaultCborConfig, T...)
        pragma(msg, T);

// template f379.accepter cannot deduce function from argument types !()()
void accepter(Config : CborConfig!(T) = defaultCborConfig, T...)()
        pragma(msg, T);

Instead I need to use template constraint which is less compact.

Why such behavior happens?

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