On Thursday, 19 February 2015 at 07:46:51 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
On 02/18/2015 10:39 PM, stewarth wrote:

> This works under dmd 2066.1 but fails under dmd 2.067-b2.

I don't know whether it is a bug.

> struct B {
>      A* a;

In any case, that must be immutable(A)*.

> }
> static immutable B[] someB = [{a:&someA[0]}, {a:&someA[1]}];

> I want it to initialize at runtime before main(). I don't
> actually want any CTFE stuff here.

Then you need 'static this()' (or 'shared static this()'):

static immutable B[] someB;

static this() {
    someB = [ B(&someA[0]), B(&someA[1]) ];

Note that I could not use the named member syntax because in my case the compiler cannot know what the right-hand side expression is. However, it is still possible with a temporary where the type is explicit as in your case:

static this() {
    immutable B[] tmp = [ {a:&someA[0]}, {a:&someA[1]} ];
    someB = tmp;


Hi Ali,

Thanks for the help.

I've gone with "static this()" approach and it works. In a way it's cleaner because it's explicit that these variables are only initialised at runtime before d_main(). At least that's how I understand things :)

It would be nice if the named syntax also worked in static this(), maybe I'll file an ER for it. I'm a big fan of the whole named args thing in Python, which from a quick search has been discussed before in the forums.


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