On 2/25/15 2:09 PM, Ali Çehreli wrote:

It looks like the file is closed when spawnProcess is finished. I don't
know whether it is done by spawnProcess explicitly or whether it is a
behavior for temporary files.

I know the problem is solved, but I wanted to chime in with some explanation here:

Yes, it's closed on purpose. Typically, when you open a file descriptor in order to have the child use it for stdin/stdout/stderr, you want to close the handle on the parent, since the parent isn't using it.

Even with pipes, there are 2 ends. The child uses one and closes the other, and the parent uses one and closes the other.

There is a way to disable this behavior, use Config.retainStdout.


The only time these aren't closed by default is if the default handles are used (you don't want to close e.g. stdout in the parent if you use it in the child).


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