Below the code:

module item;

import std.stdio;

class Item
  ulong count;

  static void call1(Item item)
    writeln("(call1) Addr: ", &item);

  static void call2(ref Item item)
    writeln("(call2) Addr: ", &item);

  static Item call3(Item item)
    writeln("(call3) Addr: ", &item);
    return item;

  static Item call4(Item item)
    // Here, I change the count
    item.count = 100;
    return item;

void main()
  auto item = new Item();
  writeln("(main) Addr item=", &item);

  auto res3 = Item.call3(item);
  writeln("(main) res3 item=", &res3);

  auto res4 = Item.call4(item);
  writeln("(main) res4 item=", &res4);

  assert(item.count == 100);


I get:

(main) Addr item=7FFF5D797818
(call1) Addr: 7FFF5D7977F8
(call2) Addr: 7FFF5D797818
(call3) Addr: 7FFF5D7977F8
(main) res3 item=7FFF5D797820
(main) res4 item=7FFF5D797828

On Thursday, 5 March 2015 at 19:48:38 UTC, w0rp wrote:
On Thursday, 5 March 2015 at 19:35:35 UTC, Chris Sperandio wrote:

I'm a developer coming from C and I've a question about class instance as method or function parameter. In the book "The D Programming Language", I read the instance was passed by reference to functions (in the opposite of structures). I understood that it was the same object in the function and the caller. But I'm think, I was wrong because when I print the addresses of an object before the function call and inside the function, they're not the same but the changes from the function are kept in the instance. If I use the "ref" qualifier in the function declaration, the 2 addresses are the same.

How do the changes work in the function? Is there a copy ? Or a "magic" trick :) ?


If you share your code, I'll be happy to take a look. Classes are reference types, so passing T for a class should pass the reference to the object.

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