On Sunday, 29 March 2015 at 20:29:50 UTC, bitwise wrote:
3) It's not how C++ rolls.
`const Test test;` and `Test const test;` are equivalent in C++. You need that '*' in C++, too, to make a distinction between reference and data.

I'm a little confused. I was comparing a C++ pointer-to-class to a D reference, which are basically the same under the hood. I wasn't trying to bring up C++ value types. I'm not sure how they're relevant to the argument.

`Test` can be a pointer type:

class C {};
typedef C *Test;
const Test test1 = 0;
Test const test2 = 0; /* same type as test1 */

The point is that C++ shares the problem: If all you have is one identifier (and no pointer star), you can't distinguish the data from the pointer.

So C++ syntax could only be properly adopted into D, if D class references got something like the pointer star. At that point, current D syntax with parentheses would work, too.

4) Rebindable works reasonably well, as far as I know.

The verbosity and blatant disregard for DRY makes me CRY.
See what I did there.. ;)

Anyways, IMO, D could benefit from having "tailconst" but I think it's a moot point.

Yeah, I don't like Rebindable very much either. But it works ok, so whatever. If you have strong arguments, maybe post to the general forum. For me it's just about aesthetics.

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