On Wednesday, 8 April 2015 at 17:45:01 UTC, Jens Bauer wrote:
On Wednesday, 8 April 2015 at 15:53:37 UTC, Jens Bauer wrote:
[snip] I find it strange that calling an empty function outside
the source file will cause that huge difference.
-But of course, there's a logic explanation somewhere. ;)

It might be caused by the linker script; I'll try and see if I can modify it to get rid of those things.

Nope, that wasn't it. However, I found out that when I call an external function, some unwinding code is forced upon me; it's used by libgcc. I can't seem to get rid of it. I've removed the -lgcc from my linker flags (along with *all* other libraries, and it's still forced upon me.

I tried to remove as much of the druntime, as I could, but it did not help a tad.

I can think of two places in the runtime where extra code can be added to your binary: runtime initialization and thread-local storage. There may be others depending on what features are implemented in the runtime.

You can find the runtime initialization code for GDC's runtime here: https://github.com/D-Programming-GDC/GDC/blob/master/libphobos/libdruntime/rt/dmain2.d#L152

That eventually will call some things that malloc, and more. That all happens before you get to main. Are you compiling with -fno-emit-moduleinfo? That may help reduce some of that runtime initialization.

As I recall, thread-local storage also employs malloc as memory is needed for each thread-local variable when a new thread is created. If your project is single-threaded, it still works the same way when the initial thread is created. If you have any thread-local state try removing them or changing them to __gshared, and see if that helps.

My runtime is quite minimal, which has both benefits and consequences. You can find it here: https://github.com/JinShil/stm32f42_discovery_demo/tree/master/source/runtime

This will give you a C-like programming experience. You can use classes, but won't be able to allocate them on the GC heap. Instead, you can employ some of the patterns here: http://wiki.dlang.org/Memory_Management

You may also wnat to compile with -nodefaultlibs -nostdlib -nostartfiles. That removes the cruntime and libgcc. But if you do that, you may have to compensate by adding additional startup code In D. You can see how I've done that here: https://github.com/JinShil/stm32f42_discovery_demo/blob/master/source/start.d#L102

As I understand it, minlibd is a more full-featured runtime, and that too has its benefits and consequences.


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