
I've been building a reflection library for D, but I've hit a snag. If anyone can help out, it would be much appreciated =D

In the example below, the second line of main() retrieves the reflection of a base class. Everything is well and good. Now, I am trying to come up with a more pleasant syntax, which is the code that is commented out.

When I uncomment the nicer syntax, I get the errors below:

[1] Error: variable refl cannot be read at compile time
[2] Error: CTFE failed because of previous errors in base

class Base {
    double d = 0.4;

class Test : Base {
    int x = 4;

abstract class Refl {
    @property abstract string name() const;
    @property abstract string baseName() const;

class ClassRefl(T) : Refl {
    @property override string name() const {
        return T.stringof;

    @property override string baseName() const {
        alias BaseClassesTuple!T base_types;
        return base_types[0].stringof;

const(Refl) reflect(T)() {
    static const(Refl) refl = new ClassRefl!T;
    return refl;

const(Refl) reflect(string name)() {
    mixin("return reflect!(" ~ name ~ ");");

//const(Refl) base(const(Refl) refl) {
//    return reflect!(refl.baseName());        ERROR  [1]

void main()
    static const(Refl) refl = reflect!Test;

    static const(Refl) baseRefl = reflect!(refl.baseName());

    //static const(Refl) baseRefl = refl.base;       ERROR  [2]


If anyone can offer a work around it would be much appreciated.

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