Hi guys,

It seems it's possible to define different read properties, only
differing by the return type.


@property string value() { return m_value; } // m_value is a string
@property int value() { return to!int(m_value); }

But when using it in writefln() or assert for example, compiler (dmd) complains
about 2 different property signatures.

What I'd like to have is this:

MyObject.value = "12345"; // write property always setting a string

assert(MyObject.value == "12345"); // depending on the context, call 1st prop assert(MyObject.value == 12345); // depending on the context, call 2nd prop

Why is the compiler not complaining about defining 2 read properties and it does
otherwise when using both of them?

Any clue?

Thanks a lot.

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