On Sunday, 19 April 2015 at 23:38:49 UTC, Freddy wrote:
C libraries have a pattern of
HiddenType* getObj();
void freeObj(HiddenType*);
Is there any way I can make the GC search for a "HiddenType*" and run "freeObj" when the pointer is not found.

You can't turn an arbitrary pointer into a garbage collected object.
What you can do, is putting the pointer into a GCed object.

class Wrapper {
  this(HiddenType* p) { _p = p; } }
  ~this() { freeObj(_p); }
  alias _p this;

auto obj = new Wrapper(getObj());

Since 2.067.0 we also finalize heap allocated structs, so the wrapper can also be a struct.

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