I was wondering if there's a way to reduce my bulky startup files a bit.

If using the GNU Assembler (GAS), then one can reduce the code using a macro like this:

/* The EXC macro makes a weak+alias for the
 * symbol 'value', then it stores the value in memory: */
        .macro          EXC     value,defaultValue
        .ifnb           \defaultValue
        .weakref        \value,\defaultValue
        .weakref        \value,defaultExceptionVector
        .4byte          \value

/* The exception vector now looks quite simple: */
        .4byte          _stack
        EXC             Reset_Handler,defaultResetHandler
        EXC             NMI_Handler
        EXC             HardFault_Handler
        EXC             MemManage_Handler
        EXC             BusFault_Handler
        EXC             UsageFault_Handler
        .4byte          0
        .4byte          0
        .4byte          0
        .4byte          0
        EXC             SVC_Handler
        EXC             DebugMon_Handler
        .4byte          0
        EXC             PendSV_Handler
        EXC             SysTick_Handler

An example on one of my bulky startup files:

I was thinking about alias (Tuple) or similar, but I'm not sure it would work if not declaring the label weak+alias in advance. Any thoughts ? (Other suggestions on how to reduce the source code size are also welcome).

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