On Thursday, 7 May 2015 at 09:27:39 UTC, Chris wrote:
On Thursday, 7 May 2015 at 08:25:30 UTC, Suliman wrote:
You're not setting a port.

settings.port = 8080;

before listenHTTP();

then it'll work.

It's do not help :(

This should work, put it in your `app.d` file:

import vibe.d;

shared static this()

  auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings;
  settings.port = 8080;
  settings.bindAddresses = ["::1", ""];

  auto router = new URLRouter;
  router.get("*", serveStaticFiles("./public/"));
  listenHTTP(settings, router);

logInfo("Please open in your browser.");

Mind you, don't forget the `.` before the forward slash in serveStaticFiles("./public/").

Any file in the folder `public` should now be "navigate-able to" via:

For starters, don't make your own custom main method. Just create a vibe.d project and paste the above code into app.d.

Later you can have a more sophisticated handling of requests.

Do this

dub init suliman vibe.d

2. You might see an info message like this

Deprecated use of init type. Use --type=[vibe.d | deimos | minimal] in future. Successfully created an empty project in '/home/christoph/D/vibed/Tests/suliman'.

3. Now you have a small project. Go to the folder `suliman/source` and open the file app.d

4. Replace the whole code in there with

import vibe.d;

shared static this()

  auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings;
  settings.port = 8080;
  settings.bindAddresses = ["::1", ""];

  auto router = new URLRouter;
  router.get("*", serveStaticFiles("./public/"));
  listenHTTP(settings, router);

  logInfo("Please open in your browser.");

5. Save an build the project

6. Create a file called `index.html` in the (sub)folder `public` that is in the folder `suliman`, i.e. `suliman/public/`

7. Paste this code into it:


  Hello, Suliman!


8. Save it and navigate in your browser to

You should see "Hello, Suliman!" in your browser window now.

Hope this helped you.


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