On 5/14/15 11:22 PM, rcorre wrote:
On Thursday, 14 May 2015 at 18:44:58 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

It depends on the guts of MyContainer.Range.

I'm assuming MyContainer.Range has SOME sort of references (i.e.
pointers) to the data in the container, so why not just have:

bool empty() { return someRef == null || yourCurrentTest; }

In this case, I want to return an empty range when the container
instance itself is null. I could have a static method
MyContainer.emptySlice, but I feel like I've seen this general situation
crop up a lot with small variations.

I'd have to see the code, but it seems like your situation is different from what I think, or you are not understanding what I'm saying :)

As an example:

struct MyContainer
  private int[] data;
  struct Range
     private int *curData;
     private int *endOfData;
     int front() { return *curData; }
     bool empty() { return curData == endOfData; }
     void popFront() { ++curData; }

  Range opSlice() {return Range(data.ptr, data.ptr + data.length);}

Range.init would be a valid empty range in this case. But I have no idea what your situation is. That's why I said it depends on the guts of the Range.


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