Hello. In object.di rt_finalize calls for class objects in destroy func. I not found it in dmd source on github and not found in druntime sources. I think rt_finalize must call dtors for object and base classes, but I think that's not all. Or if it all has it code logic problems?

void myDestroy(T)( T obj ) if( is( T == class ) )
mixin( callDtor!( obj.stringof, TypeTuple!(T,BaseClassesTuple!T) ) );

string callDtor( string name, BCT... )() @property
    import std.string;
    static if( BCT.length == 1 ) return ""; // Object has no dtor
return format( "%s.%s.__dtor();\n", name, BCT[0].stringof.split(".")[$-1] ) ~
               callDtor!(name, BCT[1..$]);

function callDtor generate string like this


for class model

class A{}
class B : A {}
class C : B {}

I want understand why destroy for class objects call extern(C) function rt_finalize (not pure, with gc, can except), and how it works (rt_finalize gets void*).

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