On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 12:53:43 UTC, rcorre wrote:
Is there a good reference for the current state of @property?

Easy: it does absolutely nothing right now.

I'm just never sure when I should be using it (if at all).

You should really only use it when you know the function is semantically the same as a field, aka if you want the @property function to be entirely invisible.

Don't ask if you want it callable without parens, likely ALL functions will remain that way, instead ask if you want it to be entirely substitutable for the return value.

I'd say in practice, only use it when you're returning a callable and want a.foo() to call the return value (so the fact that foo is actually a function is entirely hidden) or if you're returning a ref and want &a.foo to give the address of the referenced variable instead of a delegate to the function (again, the fact that it is a function is entirely hidden, it acts identically to the variable).

Though note that even now, since @property doesn't do anything yet, you'd still have to call it explicitly, which will mean compile errors when it is finally implemented...

So perhaps best is to just not use it at all.

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