I'm trying to pass a function pointer while keeping the default parameter values intact. Given the following:

import std.traits;
import std.stdio;

int foo(int a, int b = 1)
  return a;

alias FOOP = int function(int, int = 1);

struct ST(POOF)
  FOOP fctn;

  this(POOF fctn)
    this.fctn = fctn;

  void details()
    alias PDVA = ParameterDefaultValueTuple!fctn;
    writefln("typeid(PDVA[0]) = %s", typeid(PDVA[0]));
    writefln("typeid(PDVA[1]) = %s", typeid(PDVA[1]));

void main()
  FOOP fp = &foo;
  auto st = ST!FOOP(fp);

The default parameter value types are void, int: a has no default and b has an int value as its default.

If I change line 14 from
  FOOP fctn;
  POOF fctn;

The default parameter value types are void, void. In other words the default value for b is no longer there.

Why doesn't invoking the template (ST!FOOP) replace POOF in line 14 with FOOP?


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