On Monday, 6 July 2015 at 01:16:54 UTC, Peter wrote:
I have a struct with arithmetic operations defined using opBinary but array operations with arrays of it don't work.

struct Vector3 {
    public double[3] _p;
    Vector3 opBinary(string op)(in Vector3 rhs) const
    if (op == "+"){
        Vector3 result;
        result._p[] = this._p[] + rhs._p[];
        return result;

    auto a = Vector3([2.0, 2.0, 0.0]);
    auto b = Vector3([1.0, 2.0, 1.0]);
    Vector3[] c = [a];
    Vector3[] d = [b];
    Vector3 e = a + b; // works
    Vector3[] f;
f[] = c[] + d[]; // Error: invalid array operation 'f[] = c[] + d[]' because Vector3 doesn't support necessary arithmetic operations

how can I get this to work?


Works for me with various versions of dmd on linux. What compiler are you using, what version of it, what operating system, etc?

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