On Wednesday, 15 July 2015 at 21:57:50 UTC, badlink wrote:
Hello, I can't figure how to write a template function that accept either strings or array of strings.

This is my current code:

bool hasItemParent(T)(const(char)[] itemId, const(T)[] parentId)
if (is(typeof(T) == char) || (isArray!T && is(typeof(T[]) == char)))

I used const(T)[] because I'd like to accept immutable and mutable strings.
But calling it with an immutable string generate this error:

Error: template cache.MetadataCache.hasItemParent cannot deduce function from argument types !()(string, string), candidates are: cache.MetadataCache.hasItemParent(T)(const(char)[] itemId, const(T)[] parentId) if (is(typeof(T) == char))

Any suggestions ?

T is already a type, you don't need to typeof() it.

This should work:

bool hasItemParent(T)(const(char)[] itemId, const(T)[] parentId)
if (is(T == char) || (isArray!T && is(ElementType!T == char)))

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