On Friday, 24 July 2015 at 18:02:58 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
Although the example casts to void*, ubyte* and others are possible as well, and casting back to the correct class type seems to work:

Thanks, Ali.

I just tried a few things, and apparently, you don't need to go to a different type or void. You can make it a pointer the the actual type, which might be good for self-documentation or pattern matching. But what I find somewhat odd and fascinating is what you show, that for the reference, "r":

  cast(D*)r != &r

So this code all works out:

  import std.stdio;

  class B
    int i;
    this(int i) { this.i = i; }

  void main()
    auto r1 = new B(42),
         r2 = r1;

    writefln("Address of reference r1: %s", &r1);
    writefln("Address of reference r2: %s", &r2);

    writefln("Address of object r1   : %s", cast(B*)r1);
    writefln("Address of object r2   : %s", cast(B*)r2);

    assert(cast(B*)r1 == cast(B*)r2);

    assert(cast(B*)r1 != &r1);
    assert(cast(B*)r2 != &r2);

and prints:

  Address of reference r1: 7FFF1D4E4C70
  Address of reference r2: 7FFF1D4E4C78
  Address of object r1   : 7F01CD506000
  Address of object r2   : 7F01CD506000

So then, of course, I hope/wonder/assume that the pointer to the heap is sufficient to keep the heap memory alive, and that this would be OK from the GC perspective to do something like this:

  B* make_b_thing(int i) { cast(B*) new B(i); }

That seems to work, but I guess I should try to force the garbage collector to run to see if I can crash the program.

***BUT***: The really, really weird thing is that even though you *think* that you have a pointer to a B object, you don't really. Dereferencing is accepted by the compiler, but it plays a nasty trick on you:

  B* p = make_b_thing(42);
  writefln("Address of pointer: %s", p);

  writefln("Value of i: %s", p.i);
  writefln("Value of i: %s", (*p).i);
  writefln("Value of i: %s", (cast(B)p).i);

This compiles and runs fine, but produces:

  Address of pointer: 7F7EE77CF020
  Value of i: 4445040
  Value of i: 4445040
  Value of i: 42

Maybe it's my C++ background talking, but that seems a bit counter-intuitive.

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