On Mon, 03 Aug 2015 22:42:14 +0000, SirNickolas wrote:

> Hello! I'm new in D and it is amazing!
> Can you tell me please if it is discouraged or deprecated to call a
> function by just putting its name, without brackets? It's quite unusual
> for me (used C++ and Python before), but I can see this practice even in
> the official Phobos documentation:
> ```
> foreach (result; [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ].map!("a + a", "a * a"))
>      ...
> ```
> The code `.map!("a + a", "a * a")()` also compiles and works as
> expected, of course.

Opinions vary, but I think it's generally idiomatic to omit empty parens 
when chaining but otherwise include them.  E.g.:

void foo() { ... }

void main()
        foo;  // don't do this
        foo(); // do this

    // Empty parens in a chain are just noise:
        [1,2,3].map!(i => i + 1)()

    // This is better
        [1,2,3].map!(i => i + 1)
                   .writeln();  // you may or may not want to conclude 
with parens

One gotcha that still gets me is with sort:

somearray.sort;  // calls the builtin property sort left over from D1, 
don't use!
somearray.sort();  // calls std.algorithm.sort with default `a<b` 

somearray.map(i => i+1).array.sort().reduce!`a+b`.writeln();

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