On Thursday, 13 August 2015 at 20:28:33 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
On Thursday, 13 August 2015 at 20:23:56 UTC, Jack Stouffer wrote:
As far as I can tell, there is no way to know the actual type of each of the objects in the list to be able to print:

Cast it to Object first, then do the typeid and it will get the dynamic class type. Since Parent is an interface, typeid works differently.

I wrote about this in more detail recently here:

Thanks, that worked, and based on your answer, I was able to fix my real problem: dynamically calling different methods on each object in the list based on its type. So, using the above code as an example, I am able to call method if the object is of type A and method2 if the object is of type B:

interface Parent {
        void method();

class A : Parent {
        void method() {}

        this() {}

class B : Parent {
        void method() {}
        void method2() {}

        this() {}

void main() {
        import std.stdio;
        import std.string;

        Parent[] parent_list = [];
        parent_list ~= new A();
        parent_list ~= new B();

        foreach (item; parent_list) {
string class_name = (cast(Object) item).classinfo.name;
                if (class_name == "test.A") {
                        (cast(A) item).method();
                } else if (class_name == "test.B") {
                        (cast(B) item).method2();

This is a dirty hack, but I don't care, it works :)

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