On 08/15/2015 01:47 AM, TSalm wrote:

> Must create a ticket for it ?

I think so. Unless others object in 10 minutes... :)

> In the other hand using "string" is not
> efficient since this certainly make a copy of the original string. Right ?
> This is better to use "replaceInPlace" with "char[]", but this doesn't
> actually work :-(

There is probably a workaround, which others will hopefully show. (I have to leave now. :) ) However, although not in your example, replaceInPlace would still copy if the result would not fit in the original char[]. Hm... Come to think of it, it cannot replace in place anyway, unless it knows that the slice is the only one looking at those characters. Otherwise, you would disturbing your other slices. (?)


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