
in a release-like build, I'm using the tharsis profiler, which is a frame-based profiler. Zone is a RAII struct that measures how long its own
lifetime is.

    with (Zone(my_profiler, "zone name to appear in output")) {
    // Zone goes out of scope here

I would like to use this code without modification in a release build without profiling. I would rather not put version statements everywhere. I have only one version statement in a single file that's included by
all files doing profiling:

    version (release_with_profiling) {
        public import tharsis.prof;
    else {
        class Profiler { }
        struct Zone { this(Profiler, string) { } }

Using that, the first code sample compiles in the non-profiling build,
where Zone is an empty struct.

* Will the empty struct get optimized away completely by the compiler,
    at least if we pass -O -inline? I'd really like that, I have
    profiling code in several inner loops.

* If not, what other approach could be usable to keep boilerplate in
    most source files to a minimum?

-- Simon

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