On 2015-08-23 17:01:07 +0000, Vladimir Panteleev said:

Can't reproduce this on Windows, Linux or OS X 10.10.3.

Ok, good. So it should be fixable on my side.

Can you include more of the build log (specifically, the entire failing command line)? It should have a -J. in it.

CC=g++ /Volumes/Daten/Windows/d/develop/d-language/Digger/dl/dmd-2.067.1/dmd2/osx/bin/dmd -ofdmd -m64 -vtls -J. -d access.d aggregate.d aliasthis.d apply.d argtypes.d arrayop.d arraytypes.d attrib.d backend.d builtin.d canthrow.d clone.d complex.d cond.d constfold.d cppmangle.d ctfeexpr.d dcast.d dclass.d declaration.d delegatize.d denum.d dimport.d dinifile.d dinterpret.d dmacro.d dmangle.d dmodule.d doc.d dscope.d dstruct.d dsymbol.d dtemplate.d dunittest.d dversion.d entity.d errors.d escape.d expression.d func.d globals.d hdrgen.d id.d identifier.d impcnvtab.d imphint.d init.d inline.d intrange.d json.d lexer.d lib.d link.d mars.d mtype.d nogc.d nspace.d opover.d optimize.d parse.d sapply.d sideeffect.d statement.d staticassert.d target.d tokens.d traits.d utf.d visitor.d objc.d root/aav.d root/array.d root/file.d root/filename.d root/longdouble.d root/man.d root/outbuffer.d root/port.d root/response.d root/rmem.d root/rootobject.d root/speller.d root/stringtable.d newdelete.o glue.a backend.a globals.d(293): Error: file "verstr.h" cannot be found or not in a path specified with -J
make: *** [dmd] Error 1
digger: Saving to cache.
digger: Clearing temporary cache
Fatal error: Command ["make", "-f", "posix.mak", "MODEL=64", "HOST_DC=/Volumes/Daten/Windows/d/develop/d-language/Digger/dl/dmd-2.067.1/dmd2/osx/bin/dmd", "dmd"] failed with status 2

AFAIU it does has the -J. included.

Robert M. Münch
smarter | better | faster

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