On Tuesday, 25 August 2015 at 22:35:57 UTC, Jim Hewes wrote:
Although C++ can be ugly, one reason I keep going back to it rather then commit more time to reference-based languages like C# is because I like deterministic destruction so much. My question is whether D can REALLY handle this or not. I've not been sure about this for some time so now I'm just going to come out and finally ask.

I know about this RAII section in the documentation: http://dlang.org/cpptod.html#raii But I don't believe that handles all cases, such as having classes as member variables of other classes. (Do the members get destructors called too?)

Then there is std.typecons.Unique and std.typecons.RefCounted. With these, can I really get deterministic destruction for all cases like I would in C++?

If so, it might be a good idea to emphasize this more in the documentation because I'd think people coming from C++ would be looking for this.


To add to what the other people said,
there exists scoped!T in std.typecons to allocate a class on the stack, and Unique/RefCounted as you mentioned. AFAIK refcounted is in the process of being overhauled, but the user should notice no differences.

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