On Monday, 31 August 2015 at 08:10:35 UTC, wobbles wrote:
On Monday, 31 August 2015 at 07:55:53 UTC, drug wrote:

import std.stdio;
import std.traits;
void main(){
        static if(isSomeString!Foo){
                writefln("String: %s", Foo.A);
        static if(isScalarType!Bar){
                writefln("Integer: %s", Bar.A);
        static if(isSomeString!Bar){
writefln("String: %s", Foo.A); // wont print // Bar.A
        static if(isScalarType!Foo){
writefln("Integer: %s", Bar.A); // wont print // Foo.A

enum Foo { A="a", B = "b" }
enum Bar { A=1, B=2 }

My copy paste got the better of me. The print messages in the last two static ifs shoudl be Bar.A and Foo.A respectively :)

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