On Wednesday, 9 September 2015 at 11:30:26 UTC, Bahman Movaqar wrote:
For the lame example I gave, something similar occurred to me at first; but then I thought 4 `filter`s (assuming `all` is simply a `filter`) might be non-idiomatic as it might incur some performance penalty.

As those are templates I don't think you'd have any overhead ; I may be wrong about that but the whole point of such constructs is to allow what Walter poetically called “memory disallocation”.


True. But is pumping the output of `filter` as the seed into `reduce` really considered weird usage!?

I don't think it is really weird per se, I just can't think of a case where there isn't a better way to do it. I find it completely unreadable frankly, and I generally avoid reduce when I can because it is not UFCS-able. This is only personal opinion though.

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