Just wondering if anyone here might know how I can accomplish this... basically I'm editing my D code in Sublime using the Dkit plugin to access DCD which so far is more reliable than monodevelop's autocomplete but I do need to reset the server pretty often... but that's neither here nor there...

Sublime is great but its little output panel sucks... won't update stdout text until the end of program run so I'd like to open newly built programs in a linux terminal. So I installed a terminal plugin https://github.com/wbond/sublime_terminal . I can open the terminal, great. I can build with dub, great. Now I need to put them together... somehow...

When building, sublime looks at a file it has called D.sublime-build, and this files looks like the following:

  "cmd": ["dmd", "-g", "-debug", "$file"],
  "file_regex": "^(.*?)\\(([0-9]+),?([0-9]+)?\\): (.*)",
  "selector": "source.d",

      "name": "Run",
      "cmd": ["rdmd", "-g", "-debug", "$file"]
      "name": "dub",
      "working_dir": "$project_path",
      "cmd": ["dub"]

I'm pretty sure I need to edit the last line to pop open the terminal at the project path and run dub... but whatever I put in messes up and I just get errors...

Has anyone done this before and can give me a clue as to what I can do to get this to work?

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