The docs explicitly say that SwapStrategy.unstable is non-allocating, but this code (which is for finding the statistical mode of a range) will fail to compile.

auto mode(alias pred = "a == b", R)(R r) @nogc
    if (is(ElementType!R : real) &&
        isInputRange!R &&
    import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc;

    import std.algorithm.iteration : group;
    import std.algorithm.sorting : sort, SwapStrategy;
    import std.algorithm.mutation : copy;
    import std.typecons : Tuple;

    alias LT = Tuple!(Unqual!(ElementType!R), size_t);

    if (r.empty)
        return real.nan;

    auto grouping =!pred;

// Because the struct Group does not have swappable elements, it cannot be
    // sorted, so copy it to another array
auto buffer = (cast(LT*) malloc(r.length * LT.sizeof))[0 .. r.length];
    copy(grouping, buffer);

    sort!("a[1] > b[1]", SwapStrategy.unstable)(buffer);

    return buffer[0][0];

$ dmd/src/dmd -unittest test.d
test.d(439): Error: @nogc function 'test.mode!("a == b", int[]).mode' cannot call non-@nogc function 'std.algorithm.sorting.sort!("a[1] > b[1]", cast(SwapStrategy)0, Tuple!(int, ulong)[]).sort'

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