Windows X86 64bit (x86_64-w64-mingw32)

Standard builds
Target                  DMDFE           Runtime GCC     GDC revision    Build 
arm-linux-gnueabi       2.066.1 yes     5.2.0           dadb5a3784      
arm-linux-gnueabihf     2.066.1 yes     5.2.0           dadb5a3784      
x86_64-w64-mingw32      2.066.1 yes     5.2.0           dadb5a3784      

I'm totally confused about what does these mean:

1) Why there is a download targeting arm-linux-gnueabi(hf) and what exactly it means? Is this a cross-compiler which will produce obj files containing ARM instructions or what? If so, will linking just work? and how?

2) Is what I understand from "cross-compiler" correct? (a compiler that can target different architectures than the host architecture it's compiled for)

3) Which one to choose if I just want to write & compile windows programs?

4) x86_64-w64-mingw32 is commented as "Unsupported alpha build. SEH"? is that means windows-targeting version of the compiler is highly unstable/not ready yet? What's "SEH"?

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