On Monday, 5 October 2015 at 00:23:21 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Sunday, October 04, 2015 14:42:48 bitwise via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
Since D is moving towards a phobos with no GC, what will happen to things that are classes like Condition and Mutex?

Phobos and druntime will always use the GC for some things, and some things just plain need classes. Rather, we're trying to make it so that Phobos does not use the GC when it doesn't need to use the GC as well reduce how much the GC is required for stuff like string processing where lazy ranges can be used instead in many cases.

I was under the impression that the idea was to _completely_ eliminate the GC. It says in Andre's 2015H1 vision statement: "We aim to make the standard library usable in its entirety without a garbage collector."

I understand the allocation/freeing of memory is expensive, but I thought the actual sweep of the GC was a problem too, and that disabling the GC to avoid the sweep was the plan for some people. I don't know how long D's GC takes to sweep, but even a 5ms pause would be unacceptable for a performance intensive game.

I guess if you use @nogc properly though, you could still safely turn off the GC, right?

As for Condition and Mutex specifically, I don't know whey they were ever classes except perhaps to take advantage of the monitor in Object. Maybe they'll get changed to structs, maybe they won't, but most D code is thread-local, and most of the code that isn't is going to use message passing, which means that explicit mutexes and conditions are unnecessary. So, most code won't be impacted regardless of what we do with Condition and Mutex.

You may be right. I wrote a simple download manager in D using message passing. It was a little awkward at first, but in general, the spawn/send/receive API seems very intuitive. It feels awkward because the data you're working with is out of reach, but I guess it's safer that way.

Regardless, I doubt that anything will be done with Condition or Mutex until shared is revisted, which is supposed to happen sometime soon but hasn't happened yet. What happens with shared could completely change how Condition and Mutex are handled (e.g. they don't support shared directly even though they should probably have most of their members marked with shared, because Sean Kelly didn't want to be doing anything with shared that he'd have to change later).

- Jonathan M Davis

I'm not sure what's going to be done with shared, but I do think it's annoying that you can't do this:

shared Array!int numbers;

someThread... {
    numbers.clear(); // 'clear' is not shared

So this means that on top of the already ridiculous number of attributes D has, now you have to mark everything as shared too =/


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