On 10/06/2015 08:16 AM, tcak wrote:
> While writing max ulong value, I added the "u" postfix.

Better to use U to be consistent with L (see below).

> But when I try to print out minimum value of long, compiler says
> Error: signed integer overflow
> writeln( -9_223_372_036_854_775_808 );

I would expect the following to work:

    writeln( -9_223_372_036_854_775_808L);

But it doesn't compile:

  Error: signed integer overflow

It looks like a compiler bug to me. If so, a very embarrassing one. :)

(You can use UL and LU as well.)

> Do I need to put a postfix for that number? I checked documentation by
> searching "dlang integer" etc, but couldn't have found any
> information/anything about postfix at all.

They go by "suffix". The officital documentation:


My short mention of them start at the section "The L suffix":


(They were missing in my index section. Adding now...)


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