On Tuesday, 13 October 2015 at 15:17:15 UTC, data pulverizer wrote:

I am trying to use variantArray() as a data table object to hold columns each of which is an array of a specific type. I need to be able to get values from data table but I am having problems ...

import std.stdio; // i/o
import std.variant; // type variations

void main(){
  // Columns of the table
  string[] names = ["walter", "paul", "jeff", "andrie"];
  int[] age = [55, 62, 27, 52];
  string[] language = ["D", "Haskell", "Julia", "D"];
  Variant[] dt = variantArray(names, age, language);

  foreach(col; dt){
    foreach(el; col){
      // here I try a kind of dynamic cast operator
      auto x = el.get!(type(el)); // gives error

data_table.d(37): Error: cannot infer type for el
data_table.d(38): Error: undefined identifier 'el'



You're trying to iterate over a `Variant`, which isn't implemented.

You don't want to use a variant here anyway; you should use a struct or tuple for each entry in the table.

import std.typecons;

alias Entry = Tuple!(string, int, string);

void main() {
auto table = [Entry("walter", 55, "D"), Entry("paul", 62, "Haskell"), ... ]; // complete array
    foreach(entry; table) {

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