On Monday, October 19, 2015 04:14 PM, Handyman wrote:

> Is the following possible in D?  To call a (unary) function f
> with variable a, and let f print:
>> Called with argument named 'a'.
> I am of course asking for a generic solution, independent of the
> actual variable name (in this case, 'a').  I am aware that I am
> likely asking the impossible because of how the function call
> mechanism is implemented in most programming languages, hence in
> D.  Still, it might be possible given D's stong introspection
> capabilities / traits / pragma's / whathaveyou's.

I think the exact thing you're asking for is not possible.

With slightly different syntax you can do this:
module test;
void f(alias v)()
    import std.stdio: writeln;
    import std.traits: fullyQualifiedName;
    writeln(v.stringof, " ", fullyQualifiedName!v);

void main()
    int a;
    f!a(); /* prints "a test.main.a" */

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