On Friday, 30 October 2015 at 10:35:03 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:
I'm writing a talk for codemesh on the use of D in finance.

I want to start by addressing the good reasons not to use D. (We all know what the bad ones are). I don't want to get into a discussion here on them, but just wanted to make sure I cover them so I represent the state of affairs correctly.

So far what comes to mind: heavy GUI stuff (so far user interface code is not what it could be); cases where you want to write quick one-off scripts that need to use a bunch of different libraries not yet available in D and where it doesn't make sense to wrap or port them; where you have a lot of code in another language (especially non C, non Python) and defining an interface is not so easy; where you have many inexperienced programmers and they need to be productive very quickly.

Any other thoughts?

I'd suggest enterprise software because many necessary libraries and tools do not exist in D ecosystem. Though you've already named these reasons.

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