Hi everybody,

first of all: this question is going to be unclear, because I'm lack of the "buzz word" I would like to ask about, sorry for this in advance.

I try to describe the problem, where I stuck and hope somebody could think just a step further. Just a hint where to read about the way of solution would be enough, I think.

Starting with chapter 73 in the recent "Programming in D" book (the revision of 2015-10-24), about "foreach with structs and classes" I would like to implement either the opAssign method or the three range member functions in a simple struct. Let's say, the example of NumberRange struct in the example on page 486 is enough. In terms of .front(), .popFront() and .empty: I understand what the first two things do, but I have a problem with the empty property:

In my case, the container class can't become empty. Even if it contains one single element, in this case the example should return true for begin == end, it is not empty. At the same time, my container is surely always finite, so I can't define the empty property to false as shown on page 568, last line.

A further problem/wish is: I don't want to store my elements explicitly as members. So taking the simplest example on page 486 has a further meaning for me: It does not contain an array as member and it is not meant to.

So far from me. I hope, I could describe my problem good enough and I hope somebody could help me out. Still, the solution is important, but I also would like to know what a weird thing I'm describing in terms of... well... some structure... not to say pattern :)

Thanks in advance

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