I did some testing on Linux and Windows.
I ran the code with ten times the iterations, and found the results consistent with what has previously been observed in this thread. The code seems to run just fine on Linux, but is slowed down 10x on Windows x86.

Windows (32-bit)

rdmd bug.d -inline -boundscheck=off -release
Default:  TickDuration(14398890)
Explicit: TickDuration(168888)

Linux (64-bit)

rdmd bug.d -m64 -inline -boundscheck=off
Default:  TickDuration(59090876)
Explicit: TickDuration(49529493)

Linux (32-bit)

rdmd bug.d -inline -boundscheck=off
Default:  TickDuration(58882306)
Explicit: TickDuration(49231968)

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