On Monday, 9 November 2015 at 15:23:21 UTC, Spacen Jasset wrote:
On Monday, 9 November 2015 at 14:58:19 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
File has a .byLine and .byLineCopy method you could use to just get lines from it.

Ah yes. but unfortunately I don't want to do that. I want to pass a range into my print function. i.e. Sometimes it may not be a File, it might be from a string.

Looks like it's not possible without adaptor code. I would suggest File should have a range function on it to return a range, for that matter byLine and byChunk probably shouldn't even be associated with file at all IMHO.

The `.byLine` and `.byLineCopy` functions return ranges. Use those.

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