I'm trying to build a small manga reader application (because why search the internet if you can build it yourself), using DSFML. However, I'm getting a weird compilation error that I can't decrypt.

In directory.d:
using style;
_text = new Text;

In style.d:
module style;
public static class Style
    private static Font _font;
    public static Font DirectoryFont()
        if(!(_font is null)) return _font;
        _font = new Font;
Load(_font); // Helper function that loads the font into _font
        return _font;

I'm getting the error message that the compiler can't find
source/directory.d(...) : Error: no property 'DirectoryFont' for type 'int'. When I change the line to actually contain the (iirc optional) brackets, the type changes to 'Style'. Am I missing something with regards to static classes and members in D?
Thanks in advance.

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