Something I found confusing was the relationship between array capacity and copy(). A short example:

void main()
    import std.algorithm: copy;

    auto a = new int[](3);
    assert(a.length == 3);
    [1, 2, 3].copy(a);     // Okay

    int[] b;
    assert(b.capacity >= 3);
    assert(b.length == 0);
    [1, 2, 3].copy(b);     // Error

I had expected that copy() would work if the target had sufficient capacity, but that's not the case. Target has to have sufficient length.

If I've understood this correctly, a small change to the documentation for copy() might make this clearer. In particular, the "precondition" section:

target shall have enough room to accomodate the entirety of source.

Clarifying that "enough room" means 'length' rather than 'capacity' might be beneficial.

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