Just wanna follow up.

Thanks for the replies everyone. Helped a lot!


Hmm, this might be out of line, but I can't help myself. I got an idea. I guess a nice feature would be something like a built-in clean representation of macro arguments, so that you could define LINK as

    LINK = <a href="$_0">$0</a>

Or perhaps an immutable built-in macro?

    LINK = <a href="$(CLEAN $0)">$0</a>

And then it would always work? I mean it seems most macros generate HTML, and then anything is fine really. But there are those special cases when you're generating something other than HTML, such as an URL, or even JavaScript-code, and you really need to get rid of all "cleverness".

I've understood you always end posts like this with:

So there, I did it :)

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