On Sunday, 6 December 2015 at 12:23:52 UTC, visitor wrote:
Hello, interesting exercise for me to learn about allocators :-)
Nice to know, a novice can inspire someone :)

i managed to parallelize the code reaching similar performance, in terms of speed, as the non parallel version :
Cool! This is what I looked for!

BUT it consumes insane memory, don't try with argument more than 17 !!!

so either i'm doing something stupid (in parallel code, i guess) or the FreeList allocator is totally not the right tool ... (both ?)
I assume, the allocator itself is something, that is not really needed in this case. Maybe, there is a more straight forward access to the problem. Even a simpler then in all the versions on the benchgame site, but I don't see it right now. And with the allocator attempt I had a chance to experiment with the experimental module and to write a very quick copy of a program, which I want to have...

But your solution is really impressive, it reduces the factor from 5 to 3 immediately :) And I'm going to read your code carefully...

some light-shedding would be really appreciated, Thanks

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