On Saturday, 19 December 2015 at 14:16:36 UTC, anonymous wrote:
On 19.12.2015 14:20, Marc Schütz wrote:
As this is going to be passed to a C function, it would need to be
zero-terminated. `.dup` doesn't do this, he'd have to use
`std.string.toStringz` instead. However, that function returns a
`immutable(char)*`, which would have to be cast again :-(

Ouch, I totally missed that. Looks like we don't have a nice way to do this then?

I guess so. Theoretically, we could change `toStringz()` to return `char*`; if its result is unique (we would have to change the implementation to always make a copy), it should then be implicitly convertible to `immutable(char)*`. But that would break code, because it could have been used like `auto s = "xyz".toStringz;`, where `s` would then have a different type. So, there'd need to be an additional function, `toMutableStringz`.

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